Educational Mobile Game

Developed in 2018
Roles: Developer


Corela Ball is an educational app with the goal of informing its players of proper trash sorting choices. This app was created as part of a class hackathon where we modified an existing project to suit our needs. This project was modified from an app called Emoji Toss, which is where we found some base code for our collision and object-spawning elements.

The app itself is a game that uses a phone tilt in order to change the direction a falling object is taking. The goal is to place the falling object into one of the bins at the bottom (compost, recycle, trash, and an 'I don't know bin' where they will be given some reminders about the bins). The player tries to create the highest streak possible.


My personal role in this project was as developer, modifying the original code from Emoji Toss. To do that, I had to modify the collision from the original game to add our bins, and allow for detection of which bin was hit and perform a different action if an object hits the correct bin. I also had to learn to create the objects at the top of the screen whenever it enters a bin. Other challenges included determining where on the bin an object should hit to be detected, and implementing the original design into the app correctly.

Future Goals

This project itself was limited by a time constraint, but with more time we would love to have made the educational aspect of our game more obvious in our final product. We would have created more personalized messages if a player gets an object in an incorrect bin or the "I don't know" bin, as well as add facts about the positive impact one can create on the environment when correctly sorting these objects.